Originally posted by Menthix
Found another one, could be shopped (like *any* of the screenshots so far), but he has the same guy who posted the screenshot above in his list:
Source: http://maikemr.deviantart.com/art/Windows-7-Wave-4-147548215
Which was posted December 22.
Best one so far - well you know, apart from the whole huge list of nonsensical bullshit that I don't want in my simple messenger program - the ad is smaller(and cunningly not an actual ad in the pic) however why would I want that ad space to be in the top middle(what's with the masses of white space either side, what an ugly waste) of my program, it's basically the main focus of that entire left column, which sure is great for advertisers but absolutely shit for the user
Frankly wouldn't give a shit about that stuff though, if they are kind enough to allow me to hide the left panel entirely, which I hope(pray) you can.