Thanks for the welcome and Hi
About the 3 things:
1) I know that this is about WLM Plus! so I posted it right I think. I'm looking for some kind of script to WLM Plus!
2) Answered a post before (it has to do with Messenger Plus! Live)
3) Miranda IM has a forum. I'm sure of that.
But you haven't understood me properly I think.
I've got WLM and I'm not satisfied with the style of the text in communication window so I'm looking for some kind of script or help from others to - convert / modify / change / ... - the style of Text in WLM as it would be like in my Miranda IM.
Or isn't there any way to do so?
For example. I've tried many skins for WLM Plus! and some of them have good space between lines (+- 10px) and some of them (I'm using LTD) have a less space (+- 5px) so the lines are really close and it's hard to distinguish who wrote what at the first glance.
Hope it's clearer now