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windows live messenger 2009, XP. can't sign in, no error message
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O.P. windows live messenger 2009, XP. can't sign in, no error message
hey there, i've checked out a lot of things on the net so far, and have come back with nothing. on my boyfriends computer, he's never been able to log in to the new windows live messenger 2009. neither have i, or my sister, or anyone else. however, WINDOWS messenger, that ancient old bat, works just flawlessly.

the weird thing is, windows live messenger 2009 works JUST FINE on the "guest" account, but not on my boyfriends regular user account. we were having this problem awhile back too, and he has since done a complete reformat, and it's still not working.

SOMETIMES when anyone tries to log in, it will give an error message, 80048820e. but most of the time, when anyone tries to log in, we get the little men twirling or whatever it does these days, and then just nothing. no error message, no sound. and other times, we get this:

[Image: Windows%20Live%20Communications%20Platfo...0close.jpg]

if i open messenger and go Tools>Options>Connections tab, it says something along the lines of

"You are NOT connected to the .NET messenger service.

however, if i go to the advanced tab, and do the TCP, and HTTP tests, it says,

"Success, you can connect to the Windows Live Messenger Service."

i've tried verifying the date and time
i've tried turning off all firewalls
i've tried uninstalling, deleting Program Files, and reinstalling
we've ever reformatted, and are STILL having this problem.

does anybody know of anything that will help? is this a widespread problem? if anyone has anything else for me to try, or links to read that i may not have come across yet, please let me know, my boyfriend is getting very frustrated, as WINDOWS messenger doesn't allow file transfer anymore.

thanks a bunch!
01-19-2010 03:24 AM
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windows live messenger 2009, XP. can't sign in, no error message - by katizzler on 01-19-2010 at 03:24 AM
RE: windows live messenger 2009, XP. can't sign in, no error message - by katizzler on 01-19-2010 at 11:23 AM

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