Even if it sounds complicated, the design by Adeptus is very easy; it sounds way more complicated than it is.
I have almost the exact same layout for my movie DB, just as many other people have I imagine (because it is a very generic/logic way of doing it).
It also makes your DB filesize a hell of a lot smaller (now you store a lot of the same strings, the actor names, a lot of times), not to mention the DB will be a lot faster.
And indeed, pulling reports out of it would be childsplay compared to coming up with queries which work on your one table design. Creating reports and other queries, even (re)designing the (crappy) switchboard would be actually more easier.
Converting your one table design to a multi table design like shown by Adeptus shouldn't be a big problem either, especially in Access where many stuff is wysiwyg. You can use create table queries (one time) to create for example the actor table, etc...
Actually, I was doing almost the exact same thing at the moment for work, converting a one table design (excel) to a multiple table DB. The table consists of roughly 12000 records. So it speaks for its own that I cba to convert it by simply typing everything over again or doing stuff manually. But using table creation queries, temporary tables and columns, a wizard here and there, the whole thing was converted in no-time (not to mention going from a 23MB plain one tab excel file to a 800K access file inlcuding reports, fancy UI, etc... I always hated Access a bit because it is 'different' than the other MS products, but each time I work with it for a couple of days, it grows again on me - now if they only make it easier to layout reports