Originally posted by Menthix
Why would you want to? Then you'd have to click it to see which thread/post it is actually referring to. In the shoutbox and reps it makes sense to keep it short, but in regular posts there is plenty of room to be informative.
Indeed... that's the idea. Shoutbox messages, rep comments, and report reasons are all short one-line things.
But another suggestion: For consistency it would be nice if everything worked in posts, shoutbox and reps.
Doesn't that contradict the above quote?
In reps tid= and pid= are parsed, but thread= and post= are not.
And in posts (and PMs) every variant is now parsed, but only if you wrap brackets around it. Would be nice if it would get parsed without brackets too.
Parsed and replaced with what? Also, if brackets weren't required it would be easier to unintentionally insert a post/thread link where you didn't mean to. I'd prefer to keep it more BBCode-like in posts.
BTW: does it parse in reports too? I wondered if mods could click it when I referred to a post the short way once.
Yep... I probably used the same code for reps and reports.