Originally posted by xsever
flawlessly without ANY problems
Except for the part where it tends to suddenly stop doing what you want it to do, like you just experienced.
Messenger Plus! since version 4.83.372 will also disable any compatibility settings on msnmsgr.exe since it tends to slow Messenger down (which could be your problem if this happened after a recent Plus! installation/upgrade).
Originally posted by http://www.msgpluslive.net/download/changelog/
Messenger tends to slow down when improper compatibility settings are set for msnmsgr.exe. The setup of Messenger Plus! now resets the compatibility settings set for Messenger in Windows Vista and above.
Windows 7 takes another approach to the taskbar vs. systray. It takes a bit of getting used to. But having used it for several months now it just makes more sense. On average I now have 0 icons besides my clock in the systray. Applications which I need to access are in the taskbar. Background processes which need to notify me of something show up in the systray next to the clock, but only if they have something to say. Other background processes which just don't have anything to say have their icon hidden from the systray completely.