You can use
selectSingleNode(strPattern) to select the first descendant node which matches a certain pattern, like a tag selector.
js code:
var Tasks = XML.selectNodes("/Tasks/Task");
for (i=0; i<Tasks.length; i ++) {
var TaskNode = Tasks[i];
var NameNode = TaskNode.selectSingleNode("Name");
Manage.LstView_AddItem("ListViewName", NameNode.text, IntId++);
If you need to access lots of child nodes from one task node, you might prefer iterating through the
childNodes for each task node iteration.
For a complete overview of all objects, function and properties available in the XML DOM, have a look at
DevGuru's reference. You might also want to learn some XPath, the query language of the XML DOM:
XPath on W3Schools.