How many tasks are in the tasks.xml? I can already see one issue, namely that you're starting from index 1 for your loop. In JScript (and actually all languages), arrays and collections start at index 0 so you're skipping the first element with that loop. I believe that you have just one task in the XML for testing this and therefore the for-loop immediately exits when it checks the condition.
Also, you don't need those IntTaskList and IntId variables. The length of the tasks list is only used once (for the loop condition) and the identifier is unnecessary and even incorrectly used. You're using it to determine the position of the inserted list-view item, however you're actually incrementing it three times for each item. For the first list-view, you increment the position, but you're also doing this for the second and third list-view.
The positions you expect:
Task index ListViewName ListViewExpiration ListViewCourse
0 0 0 0
1 1 1 1
2 2 2 2
3 3 3 3
The positions you'd get:
Task index ListViewName ListViewExpiration ListViewCourse
0 0 1 2
1 3 4 5
2 6 7 8
3 9 10 11
The correct way to get this would be:
js code:
var IntId = 0;
for (var i=0; i<Tasks.length; i++)
var TaskNode = Tasks[i];
var NameNode = TaskNode.selectSingleNode("Name");
var ExpiNode = TaskNode.selectSingleNode("Expiration");
var CrseNode = TaskNode.selectSingleNode("Course");
>>> Manage.LstView_AddItem("ListViewName", NameNode.text, IntId);<<<
>>> Manage.LstView_AddItem("ListViewExpiration", ExpiNode.text, IntId);<<<
>>> Manage.LstView_AddItem("ListViewCourse", CrseNode.text, IntId);<<<
>>> IntId++;<<<
If you look closely, you don't even need an extra variable for this. You can just use the i variable you declare in the for-loop.
And if you look even closer, you don't need anything of this at all. If you don't specify an insert position, Plus! will simply add the new item to the end of the list (also in the documentation). So, you don't need to give it a position and you definitely don't need IntId for this!
Some other remarks:
- Since you're also using this function as refresh function when the window is already open, it is better to move the window creation outside the fillTable function. Otherwise, you'll be opening new windows every time you click Refresh.
- Also for your refreshing, you need to clear the list-views before re-adding the items. The fastest way to do this is by sending LVM_DELETEALLITEMS to the three controls.
- The for-loop can be optimized by storing the length of the collection and by using pre-incrementation instead of post-incrementation. This is most of the time not very important, but it's good practice to use efficient loops.
Thus, all of this together:
js code:
function OnEvent_MenuClicked(MenuItemId, Location, OriginWnd)
// Captures when the user clicks on the 'WLMBb' menu
if (MenuItemId === "Manage")
// Open the window
var Manage = MsgPlus.CreateWnd("Interface.xml", "Manage");
// Refresh the table
function CreateXML()
try {
var xml = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM");
} catch(e) { try {
var xml = new ActiveXObject("MSXML2.DOMDocument");
} catch(e) { return; } }
xml.async = false;
return xml;
function OnManageEvent_CtrlClicked(PlusWnd, ControlId)
if (ControlId == "Refresh")
// Refresh the table
function fillTable()
// Clear all list-views before adding new items
var LVM_DELETEALLITEMS = 0x1009; // = LVM_FIRST + 9
Manage.SendControlMessage("ListViewName", LVM_DELETEALLITEMS, 0, 0);
Manage.SendControlMessage("ListViewExpiration", LVM_DELETEALLITEMS, 0, 0);
Manage.SendControlMessage("ListViewCourse", LVM_DELETEALLITEMS, 0, 0);
// Load the tasks from the XML file
var XML = CreateXML();
var Tasks = XML.selectNodes('/Tasks/Task');
// Optimized the loop: start at 0, store length in len and use pre-increment
for (var i=0, len=Tasks.length; i<len; ++i)
var TaskNode = Tasks[i];
var NameNode = TaskNode.selectSingleNode("Name");
var ExpiNode = TaskNode.selectSingleNode("Expiration");
var CrseNode = TaskNode.selectSingleNode("Course");
// No need to pass item position as parameter, Plus! will handle that
Manage.LstView_AddItem("ListViewName", NameNode.text);
Manage.LstView_AddItem("ListViewExpiration", ExpiNode.text);
Manage.LstView_AddItem("ListViewCourse", CrseNode.text);
Note: Actually, there's still an even faster way to iterate through a node collection. Since all node objects are "truthy" (equal true), you can iterate through them with:
js code:
for(var i = 0, TaskNode; TaskNode = Tasks[i++]; ) {
// ...
or using pre-incrementation:
js code:
for(var i = -1, TaskNode; TaskNode = Tasks[++i]; ) {
// ...
However, that's some pretty advanced JScripting there.