Follow all the advise given in this thread from the top.
Originally posted by Gooner Mark
as it's probably something msn needs to take care of.
MS can't do much about this sort of things other than blocking all outgoing image-bucket links (which many other people might not like). But this doesn't prevent malware from infecting you and doesn't prevent malware using other kind of free image services or url services.
Bottom line is to never download/install stuff you don't know, certainly not stuff you find on random sites or even stuff send my known people via email or IMs.
Configuring your browser correctly and understanding how things work might also help a great deal. eg: a properly configured browser shows you a "execute this file Y/N?" confirmation dialog prior to executing a so called "image". This should alarm you that something isn't right. If the file was truely an image, the image would simply show in your browser, without a "file will be executed" dialog.