Originally posted by foaly
In your flow only WPA2 psk-aes is safe
Correct, and what's wrong with that?
Why would anyone ever use WEP? Unless you have devices in your network which only support WEP. It is the same process to connect, so might as well use the technology which keeps you the safest.
Originally posted by foaly
99.9 % of the population have no clue how to even begin sniffing packets
Even if that were true (a simple google search is all it takes), you only need 1 person to get screwed, and you won't even know when it happened.
Might as well keep my key to the front door under the doormat outside, because 99.9% of the people won't look there and it will be convenient should I eve lock myself out
. Most people with common sense just wouldn't want to take the risk when it is just as easy to apply better security.