O.P. RE: RE: Chris4's Europe Trip
Sending this from my phone so excuse my dodgy writing.
I think you have some things mixed up there, cookie.
When you say you always need to buy a ticket at the counter, that's not correct when you have InterRail, as the IR that counts as your ticket. So tickets in my situation i never need to get, but normally yes.
I called them 'fast trains' because they're not just international, e.g. I used eurostar from one city to another in italy and going to do the same in france with the fast TGV trains.
And for these trains, you need a reservation which is 10 euros from the desk or 18 when the ticket guy comes round and checks you don't have one.
Would buy reservations online but last time i tried it wouldn't work, possibly because the train is too soon, as its a last minute thing in my travelling situation.
That's from my experience anyway.