Hello people!
I've done some research about scripting in MP2.00 and I've come to a conclusion. I thought it would be nice if my forum's users knew it before everybody else (400,000 users worldwide...thanks again!).
First, I planned to create my own scripting language... problem is that it would have taken a lot of time, you would have to learn it, it wouldn't be very powerful, etc... then, I found something great that I'm finally gonna use. I'll spare you the technical details but the result is this: MP2.00 will be scriptable with VBScript, the latest version available! this means that if you already know this language, you'll be able to develop in MP2.00 very quickly. If you don't, learning it is very easy and you can use your knowledge later on your web page, Office softwares, ....
Basically, MP2.00 will define events, like "MessengerStarted", "ChatStarted", "ChatEnded", "TextReceived", "TextIsBeingEntered", etc... you'll be able to attach your script to any of these events... to communicate with MP2.00, I'll define several objects, like "MainMessengerWnd", "ChatWnd", "MessengerProperties", containing methods and properties. You'll even have a "CustomProperty" object that you'll be able to use to store your own parameters and options. All these tools will allow you to do advanced stuff like creating your own dialog boxes, adding stuff in the menus, sending whatever text you want to the user, etc...
The point is that to proove the efficiency of the MP2.00 scripting feature, stuff like logging or quick text will be entirely scripted! it will give you good examples to start, you'll be able to change what you want in the built-in functions and it will allow me to test my own features.
Maybe it's too soon to talk about it but hey, what the hell, I'm felling well today
... when MP2.00 Beta will be public, I'll organize a contest... your goal will be to create a great script with a great feature... the best scripts will be distributed with the final version of MP2.00! well, that's all for now, see ya!