I'm creating a new online Japanese course at
The Foreigner - Japan called
Japanese 101.
This is not your usual collection of useful phrases, but I'm trying to give you a thorough understanding of the Japanese language and grammar through this course.
Each new issue of The Foreigner will feature a new lesson. I've also started work on the most extensive and easy to use overview of the Japanese grammar on the internet, which I'm hoping to upload parts of soon.
Each lesson introduces a new element of Japanese grammar, while continuing to build on the previously discussed grammar. There are also vocabulary lists and translation excersises on each lesson.
Have a look, and if you have any questions or comments, you can post them on
The Forum - Japan associated with the course.
We're still looking for sponsors for the site, so we can start to make the site pay for itself. If anyone is interested in advertising on our site, please check out our
sign-up form.