declare a global variable (outside any function or sub you put the declaration)
Dim times as long
in the load sub of the form, make sure you initializa that variable to the proper number, 0 for example)
private sub form1_load()
' more code
end sub
and in the button click sub, you put this code:
private sub button1_click()
times=times+1'the user clicked the button once more
select case times
case 1 ' 1st time the button is clicked
label1.caption="1st text"
case 2 ' 2nd time the button is clicked
label1.caption="2nd text"
case 3 ' 3rd time the button is clicked
label1.caption="3rd text"
' etc....
case else ' all the other cases (ie: from the last click you have coded)
label1.caption="you've clicked the button more times than what I was expected and didn't coded any other text to be displayed .p"
end select
end sub
there are other ways to do that too. If the texts to be displayed are always the same, you can create an array of text and use the times variable to access the proper text (label1.caption=label1_texts[times])