At first sight there are things which aren't done correctly in this script regarding plugins though.
Also the parsing of commands isn't entirly correct. The parsing of tags is also not done like in Plus! 3.
Plugins were/are user specific, this isn't so in your script, hence handling isn't done properly. Also the time when they load/unload isn't correct (it is different then with scripts which are always loaded, even if the user hasn't sign in yet), etc.
from the script DB:
- Changing the display name through the script
- Adding data to the event log
- Displaying popup notifications
^^ these things are done within the plugins themselfs by broadcasting a message. I suspect you mean by this that your dll catch these broadcasts? In that case they will probably be processed twice since Plus!Live also still support these.
It also doesn't load any of the plugins I have in Plus! 3.
Script is starting
Script is now loaded and ready
Function called: OnEvent_Initialize
Interop.Call failed to load "C:\Program Files\MSN Messenger\Plus! Live\Scripts\OldPlugins\OldPlugins.dll"
Interop.Call failed to load "C:\Program Files\MSN Messenger\Plus! Live\Scripts\OldPlugins\OldPlugins.dll"
Error: unknown.
Line: 488. Code: -2147467259.
Function OnEvent_Initialize returned an error. Code: -2147352567
Function called: OnEvent_Uninitialize
Interop.Call failed to load "C:\Program Files\MSN Messenger\Plus! Live\Scripts\OldPlugins\OldPlugins.dll"
Error: unknown.
Line: 56. Code: -2147467259.
Function OnEvent_Uninitialize returned an error. Code: -2147352567
Other than this, the code itself is messy and things aren't always done in the cleanest way (eg: some routines which are very slow and long, which can be made way shorter and faster... the registry APIs which aren't used as one should... etc...)
Sorry to write such a negative post about it
(which you surely didn't expected) but it is buggy as hell and a lot of things aren't done properly or not properly researched maybe (eg: how commands and tags were exactly handled in Plus!3 and what possebilities you had with them, what they could/couldn't contain as far as characters go, etc).
a lot of stuff need to be fixed...