Hello, here I come with an GREAT idea, and I mean great. It will improve the comunity so much more.
So heres the idea.
IF you guys could combine the music program named "Spotify" (https://www.spotify.com/)
With windows live messenger.
And heres how.
You all know the thing when someone listens to music, it shows up what he/she is listening to:
And when you click on that link, you end up in the search program named "Bing"
My idea is that when you click on what someone is listening to, it would show up in the program spotify. (If the song is playing on spotify by the person)
That idea will improve the comunity so greatly, Ive talked to many friends about it, and my "coder" friends and they all aprove of it making msn bigger and used more.
I would greatly be thankful if my idea/dream will come up true. And so does many others.
The only thing is, if we here in msn live! plus would have spare time to code this kind of idea, I would be more then gladly to help with the work. It maybe will be hard, and I don't really have much experiance about scripting for msn live! Plus, but with help I could learn easily. Add my msn if your intrested and have a mind of helping me or starting up yourself and leting me help you out.
MSN: ablin@live.se