Originally posted by Huuf
maybe a relais would do the trick with it you could use the data power from the usb to switch the relais to close the circuit
It's not that difficult I thought... Mainly the same basis as at the Com Port:
| 4 3 2 1 |
4 GND 0 V Black
3 D+ Data + Green
2 D- Data - White
1 Vbus +5 V Red
So either I find a way to interactively switch the state of the Vbus (1, red Cable) or
you have to modificate your lamp... (Connect the cable that's at 1/red now to 3/Green)
BUT, I didn't find a way how to control either the data or the power line but this is
interesting so I try to include this...
LOL, 3 days of developing... and the name is yet outdated
MSN LED Com Port Plugin
-it is compatible with MSN, yes, but also with ICQ Lite now
-Com Port, yes it works with that, but if I can take the USB idea to real life that's outdated to
-Plugin? naaah, it's more an addin...
So whats remaining?!? -->LED<--