Originally posted by Dave
there is a thing that claims to adjust the transparency of windows when you hover over them. I can get this to work for my chat windows and my contact list, but not for my event logger window. Is there a setting I need to change, or doesn't the script do this?
Currently Enhancer does not support transparency changing for the event logger window as i havent found a reliable way of getting the window handle... (If anyone can suggest smt, i am open to suggestions)
Originally posted by giveitdeath
Ive found a bug that when i get added into a group conversation, my conversation window resizes on its own. Im running the most upto date release of the script aswell.
well i dont resize the any conversation window... are you sure this is an Enhancer bug ? Also you need to provide with further information if it is, windows, messenger versions, locale, etc, snapshots would be nice to have as well.
By the way, can anyone else reproduce this ?
Regarding minimizing Contactlist... (Chrono's report)
You may find that sometimes the minimize button doesnt work for you. This is because you have enabled the taskbar button hide feature.
Therefore if you do not have a button on the taskbar there is no means for you ro restore the window from its minimised state. This is why it is disabled.
If on the other hand auto-hide mode is selected and the window is attached to a screen edge, pressing minimise will force the contactlist to collupse to that edge.
Regarding NanaFreak's issue with colored contacts.
Enhancer doesnot interefere with the actual treeview/listview in the contactlist. it just changes the height/width of the parent window.
So this is either a Messenger bug, or a patch bug. As i see you have already patched your Messenger so it would be wise to try and reproduce it without the patch first, on a clean install (i dont consider it to be a Plus! bug either