Originally posted by mad_onion
pay for a browser!!!
i can't see any company being stupid enough to make people pay for an internet browser. no i dont think mozilla will make people pay for it.
ive never used it but i cant see that mozilla or any other browser could be that much better than Internet Explorer that it justifies payment. imean when it come down to it there are all pretty samey.
If you've never used Mozilla FireFox or Opera, the decent© browsers, then STFU, and go use one of them. And you are paying for Windows+IE+Outlook+lots of bugs©+more useless things©+instantly virus infected© technology+more crap© = Microsoft Windoze© XP. So you're still paying for a browser, while there are way better alternatives, and one of them is even free.
And why is it already said 2109541785 times, but does noone understand it yet,
Mozilla is open-source. It is release under a special license, and that cannot be undone, so it will always be open-source. New versions can be released in a not-open source way, but only if everyone who ever wrote code agrees, and then the old versions will still be open-source.
Stupid thread, Mozilla will never be paid software. And with technology preview, they mean that it has not reached the 1.0 milestone yet. Mozilla is taking browser and e-mail program and I-don't-know-what apart, and while they're not done, FireFox is in beta, so it is a "preview". It's still a good browser though, and btw they could just as well have called it version 9.0 instead of 0.9, that's their choice. They decided that there are special goals that have to be reached before it is called 1.0.