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Poll: Can you hold your Liquor?
yes, definatly
yes, but only to a point
no, i wasted fast
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Can you hold your liquor? *hic*
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RE: Can you hold your liquor? *hic*
I actually don't drink alot my self, I try to avoid it, I don't wanna end up like my dad.
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08-14-2005 06:59 AM
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John Anderton
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RE: Can you hold your liquor? *hic*
Originally posted by Joa
i don't drink if i can avoid it . i don't like drinking alcohol.
Agreed .... there are so many other things id rather do :P


08-14-2005 06:59 AM
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O.P. RE: Can you hold your liquor? *hic*
Originally posted by CookieRevised
As a matter of fact, most people I know of your age greatly exaggerate their abilities of drinking.

lol exactly, i know i exaggerate, but i got nothing else to go on:P
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08-14-2005 07:10 AM
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RE: Can you hold your liquor? *hic*
I can hold it pretty well I guess.

I went to my cousins 30th a while back and there was free beer and wine. Since I'm not a wine drinker I just drank the beers. I was drinking them pretty fast. I was alright. Then my other cousin started to buy me shots. The yellow galliano shots (my nemesis. The only drink I can't handle from what I've tried). He bought me two, then my aunty and I had two more shots. Then a couple more beers. After the night was over they were all going to go out into the Valley for clubbing. I came. There, my cousin bought me a double shot of rum/cola. And then one shot of bourbon/cola.

I was so wasted. We ended up catching a taxi home because we were out of a club after the 3am curfew. On the way home I had a bit of a throw up in the cab. Then another but this time on the side of the road (which I slipped in :S ). I eventually got home, not having to pay for any of the drinks, I had to pay for the cab ride home (half was paid by my cousin who went half way) and the fine for messing up the cab which was $75.

All in all, it was a night to remember. I don't regret it. It's just another story to tell your kids before they go out drinking...
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08-14-2005 08:06 AM
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RE: Can you hold your liquor? *hic*
let my think the last time i drink a lot was last weekend, my and some friends rented a house near a beach here in mexico (san carlos, Sonora) and we bought a little more thn 400 cans of bear (10 friends). i think i drunk about 20 cans a day or more
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08-14-2005 08:33 AM
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RE: Can you hold your liquor? *hic*
I don't drink a lot really, I have only been drunk twice, once when I was quite young and started drinking the bits left in people's drinks at a party. And another time when I drank a whole bottle of wine. In the latter, i threw it all up pretty soon after :P.

I have a friend who claims he drinks a lot, and he always tells us boring stories at school. And everyone makes fun of him because of his constant you-had-to-be-there stories, but it has got to a point where people will just walk away from him mid story.

So kids, don't drink because all your friends will walk away from you!
The Artist Formerly Known As saralk
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08-14-2005 08:47 AM
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John Anderton
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RE: Can you hold your liquor? *hic*
Originally posted by saralk
I don't drink a lot really, I have only been drunk twice, once when I was quite young and started drinking the bits left in people's drinks at a party. And another time when I drank a whole bottle of wine. In the latter, i threw it all up pretty soon after :P.

I have a friend who claims he drinks a lot, and he always tells us boring stories at school. And everyone makes fun of him because of his constant you-had-to-be-there stories, but it has got to a point where people will just walk away from him mid story.

So kids, don't drink because all your friends will walk away from you!
Me and my friends feel the same way about many other vices too ... that i wouldnt like to state atm .... but you know em :P


08-14-2005 08:51 AM
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RE: Can you hold your liquor? *hic*
My friends dont walk away from me as i drink... as they drink aswell....
me and my friends are drinking more than our fair share at the moment as its the holidays and exam results on thursday (yn) but we all know our limits so we just have fun. There is nothing wrong with drinking, its true that everybody has some bad experiences but thats when you are finding your limit.
Im not going into how much cans wise we drink but it is a fairly large amount...
08-14-2005 09:57 AM
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RE: Can you hold your liquor? *hic*
Originally posted by Veggie
My friends dont walk away from me as i drink... as they drink aswell....
me and my friends are drinking more than our fair share at the moment as its the holidays and exam results on thursday (yn) but we all know our limits so we just have fun. There is nothing wrong with drinking, its true that everybody has some bad experiences but thats when you are finding your limit.
Im not going into how much cans wise we drink but it is a fairly large amount...

i'm not saying there is anything wrong with having a few drinks with your friends, but this guy that I am talking about claims he gets drunk every night, and adopts the motto "if your liver isn't fucked by the time your 17, there is something wrong with you", he doesn't really have any friends.
The Artist Formerly Known As saralk
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08-14-2005 10:08 AM
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RE: Can you hold your liquor? *hic*
yeah i respect that saralk, i dont like people you drink to get wasted. We drink to have a good time (yes we still have a good time without drinking) but its really not about how much you get drunk its more the act of drinking and how you get to that state of drunkenness, we have a great laugh, and there needs to be more laughter in the world.
08-14-2005 10:33 AM
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