What the hell? I'm sorry but i dont understand why you are complaining Patchou, your program has the 'potential' to install adware(yes i know its optional) but I'm clearly stating thats the reason to be even included within Microsoft Antispyware, Clearly also is the fact that its a 'moderate' threat and clearly states if you know what it is, click Ignore. Is it really that hard to understand? There policy states "
the policy of Microsoft Anti-Spyware is to flag all installers which bundle spyware/adware as being potentially dangerous" I'm sorry Patchou but it falls into that catagory. Do you honestly think there going to give-in or even care? No, they, Microsoft, are placing it there for the benefit of the computer illiterate. If they do this for you then more programs will do the same and Microsoft would have to bend for them also. I'm sorry but I will not be signing for someone so petty. Remember kids, a reminder of my point; Ps I will be screenshotting this post as i fear due to community biast, this will no doubt be removed.