Originally posted by Animal
quoteriginally posted by ~INVASION~
with all the new security flaws being found in firefox because of its recent wide spread popularity, opera might be the next browser everyone willl look to for safe web use
there prolly are none, in firefox. its "Symantec" having a bitch ..look what they said about MAC OSX ..they failed on that statement now there going to fail with there crap about Mozilla. but makes you woonder if Billy paid a Symantec CEO to say that
Firstly, there are plenty in firefox. I mean, there is NO SUCH thing as flawless software. Every peice of software contains flaws. If you dont beleive me, check neowin news, firefox admits to the flaws
Secondly, It is highly doughtable that Bill Gates would pay Symantec to say that. A huge company like Microsoft could take a major hit from leading companys like Apple and Mozilla. Bill Gates could be arrested for that immediatly, a risk I gaurentee you he isnt willing to take for a simple Symantec security warning. Besides, it would just cause more damage to him as either of the companies will and DID respond to the security report by comparing the flaws in their software to that of Mirosofts software. Not to mention the majority of Apple and Firefox users are well..."enlightened" computer users and know better.
On another topic, Opera is planning a GUI overhaul
Thats the one thing I dont like about opera, the UI just isnt plesent or welcoming to me. Perhaps Merlin will be more appealing?