Originally posted by kvnhmmd
it does not work usually if you use a chat-only name. so if you use Messenger Discovery Live, or Stuff Plug to make your name different in conversation windows than in your contact list, that would be why, cause the script is looking for your name that appears on your contact list. when it sees a different name show up, it will make the sound. there might be a fix to this, i will have to look it up in the scripting documentation and get back to you
CookieRevised's reply to [Fix] Problem with OnEvent_ChatWndRecieveMessage's Origin
Originally posted by bigbob85
Hey, that looks familiar .
Works good, you forgot to tell people do disable sounds from within messenger, so they don't get double sounds.
This can easly be fixed in the script so the user doesn't need to disable/enable the options in Messenger at all...
Simply check:
1) Get the name of the default sound used in messenger to notify new messages. (aka: registry check).
Note: if you add an option panel to change the sound, it is not a bad idea to still do this check and let the user choose between two radio buttons, one with the default sound, and one with a textbox and browse button to select his own sound.
2) Check if sounds are enabled in Messenger (again a registry check). If so check if the chat window which recieved the message is in focus or not. If it is not in focus, play the sound found in step 1, if it is in focus, do nothing (messenger will make a sound).
3) If the sounds are disabled in Messenger, play the sound even when the chat window was not in focus.
PS: don't forget about:
1) To check the option in Messenger to not give notifications when there is a full screen application.
2) To check the option in Messenger Plus! to not play sounds when you're status is busy.
3) To check the option in Messenger Plus! to not play sounds when you have a media personal message
4) Not play anything at all if Messenger is locked.
(or at least have options for all this - which should all be on by default = no sounds when: locked, "full screen app" option is checked, "busy" option is unchecked or "media" option is checked).