Don't laugh at my dream/nightmare. It was kinda a nightmare at the time, though it may seem lame.
Right, anyway, I had this recurring dream where I would be lying in my bed (in the dream), and I would see all this out of my eyes. The room would be pitch black, but above my where my wardrobe is normally, were like, 8 tiny flashing dots that really freaked me out. In the dream I would feel really weird and scared and have a horrible feeling in my chest, then I know I was thrashing around in my bed because my mum woke me up once when I was having the dream, and when I woke up I would be sweating hot and really scared. Don't you dare laugh.
I had it for quite a few years, when I was about 5 - 9, then I got it last year again for a few nights.
I had another one, where this monster thing would be walking down the driveway, and my mum and brother would run into the cupboard and hide, but i'd be like, in the middle of the room, because I was moving in slow motion, and couldn't get to the cupboard, so I would hide under the window sill. And as the monster reached the window, I would wake up. That was recurring too.
And I had some with ghosts and stuff in it that were coming for me and my family, but I don't remember them so well, just that they were recurring and scary.
So that's about it to do with my dreams and nightmares. Oh yeah, i've also had the falling dream a lot, amongst many other incredibly weird and sometimes scary dreams.