Originally posted by -dt-
simple, mine hooks a bunch of things like the sbRefresh function and can disable/enable its self depending on if the refresh is enabled
In my script, it completely disable the sbRefresh function, but edit the behavior of rfSwitch to call my reload function.
Originally posted by -dt-
wow thats messy , why dont you use xpaths to find the table and just replace the shout table + online users
That code was removed since 0.1.2!
Since 0.1.2, the script will kist replace the shout+online users.
And I am not good at XPaths.
Originally posted by -dt-
mine creates an iframe, forces it to load the shoutbox (with protections against infinite loops) then once the iframe has fully rendered it uses an xpath to find the table + online users and copies the node from the iframe document to main one.
less jumpyness and a more natural look : >
Since 0.2.0, it uses DocumentFragment to parse the HTML.
var range = document.createRange();
range.selectNode (node);
var documentFragmentObject = range.createContextualFragment(htmlCode);
And it works really fine!
I made another userscript for the forum.
This script improves the BBCode function.
- You won't lose your selection when you click on a button, so you can click B, I, U, Center without re-select the text everytime.
- The textarea won't scroll up anymore so you don't have to scroll down if you have typed long.
- Some hotkeys.
- Ctrl+B - Bold
- Ctrl+I - Italic
- Ctrl+U - Underline
- Ctrl+L - Left
- Ctrl+E - Center
- Ctrl+R - Right