Ive managed to fix install tunes, so i installed iTunes...
IMO, Its really good! the library is really good! A few things I wanna work out though:
[*]My music is in D:\MP3s. When I put new a new song in that folder, can iTunes automatically add it to the library?
[*]Can you edit the ID3 tag of a song outside of iTunes, then have iTunes update itself to show the new ID3 tag? The other way too, can you
update a ID3 tag in iTunes then have it actually update the file so the ID3 tag has been changed for other programs too?
Like if you change the ID3 tag in Winamp, it actually updates the file... Does iTunes do that, or does it just change it in iTunes?
[*]Can you plug the iPod into the pc, and play songs from it on the PC? (ie, can you play a song thats on the iPod via the PC speakers..)
how does iTunes charge you? do you need an account with credits or something? found that one out
[*]how can you preview a song before you 'buy'?
(Whilst typing this i noticed a bug: the above is meant to be a numbered list.. looks more like bullet points to me!)