Originally posted by Deano
Great work CookieRevised. I had a few friends ask whether it was me or a program changing my nick!
But Tobiaz also needs to be thanked as he originally tried to get the program working!
Thanks... but it is still Tobiaz' plugin though (I kept as much as possible routines from him), only beefed up a bit
Originally posted by Mentality
Now theres a countDOWN timer, what about a countUP timer, for instance,
Yeah, and there are also other things which can be added though. eg: nickname restoring if countdown is ended, etc ...
And with all that stuff added, there needs to be a better GUI, which makes also other options possible/needed, eg: when date/time is reached: counter keeps counting but negative, counter keeps counting but the tag is changed, counter is disabled, counter is ignore, etc... etc...
As for more options: A way to store/delete/retrieve your pre-made tags; reading the tag from a textfile in random or sequencial order on a given interval (thus using it as a plain nickname changer); doing this on fixed times; auto-activating and auto-disabling the countdown/countup on fixed dates/times or when a certain status is set; etc... etc...
But all that requires another approach to the GUI, which I wouldn't wanted to change too much from the original, that's for Tobiaz
But if the GUI is made in a smart way, all those seemingly complicated things will almost be automatically and easy to implement...
To give another small idea of what can be added in concern to more possebilities with the tags:
CookieRevised's reply to Request for new plug-in
(hence that I always suggest to use the official tags for date and time tags as used internationally by Windows itself and not the ones most plugins now use because they "seem" logically. It seems logically, but infact restricts or complicates the further/future develpment of such plugins. And thus the reason why I changed the tag (m) for "minutes" to the correct standarized tag (n))
Anyways, when I have a bit more time this weekend, I'll comment the source and send it to Tobiaz so he can work further on this...