I'm happy that still in summer u are coding for a new version of MsgPlus
As this would be a great release, I'd suggest some improvements:
[*]I'd like to get the
Real Name of a contact apper after the
nickname we use to give contacts!
When the contact renaming was a feature by msgplus it was possible! Now I know that is entirely managed by wlm, but if you can get the real name..why can't you add it after the nickname?!
My_Nickname_For_The_Contact -
Real_Contact_Name -
[*]I think you should add some group features as:
- "Block all the members of this group" (having memory of members blocked manually, that should have a different blocking priority)
- "Event Notifications for this group" (having memory of manually set event notifications)
- "Send an e-mail to this group" (opening the Live Mail client with every contact of that group as recipients)
- View the group name of the contact we are chatting with in the IM window
Yes I know, I use contact groups really a lot
[*]Process the bbcode also in the text of the psm in the main Wlm window.
I think should be possible because I've seen once a plugin which made editable the Nickname in the main wlm window. When you clicked on it to modify your nickname, the bbcodes changed to text, then when you finished the edit, bbcodes got processed and the nick was in colour.
I think are all pretty easy things to do.
I hope you will take my suggestion into account
Enjoy your coding
*Hm funny! A little bug in mybb! After closing the list, text doesn't go back to the very left