Originally posted by lou_habs
alright Im gonna clear up a few things
1. Dumbledore is dead otherwise his portrait would not have appeared in the office
Of course hes dead. Hes as human as the rest of us.
Originally posted by lou_habs
2. Portraits cant think like the original person [as stated in the book]
WHERE exactly is that stated in the book?
Originally posted by lou_habs
3.Malfoy is a death eater [all the facts point to it]
Way to go with stating the obvious, Einstein.
Originally posted by lou_habs
4. Harry Cannot be a horcrux because it has to be implmented in a special way once the person is DEAD
Nope, it is possible Harry COULD be a Horcrux, Voldemort could have made him one after he killed someone ELSE. Although, I do not believe Harry is a Horcrux. I mean, Voldemort would have to be reliant on something that isn't in his control. And what if harry got killed? And why would Voldemort always be trying to kill Harry, if he was a Horcrux? It would be killing yourself.
Originally posted by lou_habs
5. Harry already said he wasnt going back to school
He most probably will. He has no idea where the object of Ravenclaw's is, so why not start at the school, tracing what it could be. And you think he wouldn't want to talk to Dumbledore's portrait, or visit Dumbledore's grave?
Originally posted by lou_habs
6. Harry will not die in the 7th book
He may die, he may not. She may change her mind between now and then that Harry shall die. Writers change things all the time.
Originally posted by lou_habs
7. She will be killing others in book number 7
Most definetely. Voldemort is bound to kill others.
Originally posted by lou_habs
8. She said she MAY make more than seven books but doesnt promise anything
Then why is the 6th book known as the penultimate, and even she has said it is? (Second from last.)
Originally posted by lou_habs
9. R.A.B already broke that Horcruz by the looks of it
"I have stolen the Horcrux and intend to destroy it as soon as I can."
Regulas died within days of leaving Voldemorts side. He may not have had a chance to actually destroy it.
Originally posted by lou_habs
Sirius will come back because somehow being an animagus made him have to lives, same as James Potter but Voldemort was very strong and was able to kill them both in one shot. Dumbledore is really dead however he left his trails there to help harry.
Ok.. Let me get this straight.
SIRIUS IS NOT COMING BACK FROM THE DEAD AND NOR IS DUMBLEDORE. Being an animagnus has nothing to do with having extra lives. Maybe if you are a cat, becuase cats are said to have nine lives, but I doubt even someone who is a cat animagnus will come back from the dead. Just think about it. They may be magical, but that doesnt stop them dieing the same way we do. Look at Dumbledore, the greatest wizard ever. He's dead, isn't he. You would think, being the greatest wizard ever, he would live, somehow, he could still be alive, but no - he is still human, he can still die.
Originally posted by lou_habs
11. [fact] harry is going to go threw alot of troubles in the next book
Again, way to state the obvious, Einstein.