Originally posted by Alias
Cooks, have you ever been a Moderator of a Forum that has had to ban spammers etc? my guess is no, so this is all theory of yours.
your guess is wrong. I have been, and still am.... And no, this isn't just theory, research has been done about it and papers published. And in practice I have seen it from happening myself, that is: a simple, easy breakable, captcha beeing used to stop all spamming (thus far) just because it discouraged the spammers.
Second, you're focussing on forums only. Captcha's are used for more than just registering on forums. More infact, the original thread you replied on (and got split into this one) didn't had anything to do with registering or even forums at all.
And see one of my previous posts where I acknowledged that once a spammer has passed the captcha to register on a forum he usually can spam all he wants (until modded), but that is only a small portion of captcha usage. Focussing on that only and coming to the conclusion that captcha's in general are useless is a leap too far.
Originally posted by Alias
you talk about MD5sum, Mozilla had a recent problem with that. infact if you have a look in wikipedia you can see how easy it is to encrypt and decrypt MD5sum. or was that sha256? i'll have to have a look, im sure i posted about it on the fedoraforum.
that stevea knows his stuff since he is a kernel hacker
Yes, but what is the point of that in regards to what I've said?