For what it is worth:
Originally posted by Chrissy
....and a big hype up before the release that is packed with new stuff that excited everyone.
No major release was
packed with new stuff (well except for Plus! 3 maybe, but even that had many major features, we now take for granted, not yet included in the first release).
Also, the concept of Plus!5 is supposed to be different than the previous versions. With Plus!5 they aim to have far more intermediate updates, exactly so they can add new features (of course not always big ones though) as it grows, without the long wait previous version updates always had. Again another reason why the first release of Plus!5 is not "
packed" with big new features yet. The preference panel of Plus!5 was also designed with that in mind.
And indeed of course what Oxy said....
Originally posted by Chrissy
What happened this time round? All the domains were down for hours, we weren't giving no notice, no official announcement and a buggy website to go with it.
A few things:
1) in regards to the domains: That is to be expected and completely absolutely normal when domains change!! May I remind you that the same thing happened when came into existance... All been explained before in threads you posted in btw.
2) in regards to "No notice": Seeing the massive threads about "
where is Plus!" I think it was noticed more than enough, don't you think? Don't let me quote the posts from Nathalie and Jieff stating the release was very very close and all the replies it got....
On top of that Patchou made an anouncement too:
though, granted, because of the DNS problems it might not be seen by everybody
3) in regards to buggy website: Everything works, except for the menu which might not work in certain (rare!) cases.
If you refer to loading problems and slow website, see point 1
If you refer to the design, then just say so... but don't pull in all kinds of other unrelated and incorrect stuff.