Hi there,
This error message is displayed when some conversations "not necessarily all of them" are not sent to server. The cause may be simply a network connection error.
For reliability reasons, Plus! maintains a secure (encrypted) temporary log file of a chat session. If not all messages are received by server, the aforementioned message is displayed offering you the possibility to recover all conversations of the chat session. You can then, if you wish upload the log file manually to server from the Log Viewer.
If you want to see what are the missing conversations, I highly recommend you to check the online from either MyPlus! on the web site or from Plus!
From Plus!
1. Enable Online logging (Preferences->Logs->Chat Logging)
2. Set MyPlus Account (Preferences->Passwords->MyPlus!)
3. Check Connect me automatically
4. Open Log Viewer
5. Under Online node, try to find the chat session (you may organize by date or contact to find it quickly)
6. Please see If chat session is there, or if some conversations are missing
From MyPlus!
1. Open
2. Log-in into MyPlus! (MyPlus! Log-in, top-right corner)
3. Menu My Account->My Logs
4. Please search for the session chat log, (you can use keywords if you remember some of conversations, date, etc.)
6. Please see If chat session is there, or if some conversations are missing
Hope this helps
Kimahri Software Scrum Master