Originally posted by V@no
Acording to tags help popup the tags are a set of specific characters followed after "!". A common sense would suggest that each tag must be separate from each other, i.e.
Unfortunately it's not correct, because current regexp will ignore every second tag followed after previous one, so the example above will produce:
I noticed this behaviour during testing as well but I couldn't come up with a decent solution. Clearly, the problem is in the look-ahead. Now that I look at it again, I found a much simpler fix which
I attached to this post. The idea is that any preceding backslashes will be captured by the * and then it's just a matter of counting how many backslashes were captured to decide whether it's escaped or not. Then, instead of escaping in the tag parsing routine, the escaping is done in a separate replace routine.
Originally posted by V@no
The help popup also doesn't mention that the tags can be combined into one like so:
but still the result is not what expected:
I agree that it should mention that custom date tags can be combined in one tag, but it doesn't really matter that much. With the attached fix, both !yy!MM and !yyMM act exactly the same, so there's no real need for it. Perhaps in a future release?
Originally posted by V@no
It also doesn't mention, that a tag can be canceled by double back slash (not sure why it has to be double?):
That shouldn't happen indeed, the correct way would be to have a backslash escape the next character. If two backslashes follow each other, only one backslash should remain. This is now properly handled in the separate escaping routine in the attached fix.
In your case, that'd mean that
my_screenshot_!yyyy\MMdd_!HHmmss translates into
my_screenshot_2011MMdd_235519 as you would expect.
Try the attached fix and see if it works for you.
Originally posted by V@no
Now that I finally found a few minutes to test this script I see that you guys figured out a way to capture W7 Aero on most windows, well, at least no more black borders..so far... Just WLM chat windows still capturing in basic theme, but it's better then before (interesting though that the main WLM window captures with Aero...)
Aero is really a pain in the arse. As long as we're capturing the full screen, we get all Aero rendered properly but as soon as we're on the window-specific level, it gets glitchy. Sometimes it works on chat windows, sometimes it doesn't. Extended Aero glass frames never work, such as in Windows Explorer or Windows Media Player. Nothing we can really do about it, we're already happy that we can capture it from time to time.
Originally posted by V@no
Well done!