O.P. Hotmail Problems
is blocked
with s*******@hotmail.com is blocked for one of these reasons:
Someone entered the wrong password too many times.
If you signed up for this account through an organization, you might not be able to use it yet.
Is there a way to get it unblocked, as soon as possible?-- Cause I have some important [JUNK]-ed messages that I don't want to be deleted.
And... another thing...
my prev. e-mail was named stefan.......@hotmail.com,,...
I can't remind, how did I've changed to other one..
When tried to login as the first one, got an error message: this e-mail does not exist.... [not the same text]
Is it possible to change it back to the standard [first] one?
Since I don't remind on my Answer, I will be unable to reset the password...
BTW,... Is there a way to get the attacker's IP [The person who tried to log-in]??