Originally posted by zigomar10
when i type (!XTAG23) it sends (!XTAG23) . have u tested it?
No, I haven't. But it should work. Try this (it's the same, but other way of doing it):
Public Function ParseTag(ByVal sTag As String, ByVal oConversationWnd As Object, ByRef sResult As String) As Boolean
If LCase$(Left$(sTag, 6)) = "(!xtag" Then
sResult = Mid$(sTag, 7, Len(sTag) - 7)
ParseTag = True
Exit Function
End If
End Function
And make sure you haven't got any other pluging trying to capture the "(!XTAG)" tag. Also, be careful if your tag is something like "(!Xlongertag)", because then the code changes.