yeah, i dont know how i could fix that. but i noticed that with the stuffplug pager u can chat while its open
. if any1 knows how i could do that plz reply, but i dont know if i'll include it cos the command that tells ur contact the url doesnt get sent until u close the window
(but maybe if it would be possible to chat while the window is open, then the command would get sent too
) if not, your idea would be great for local browsing though
there will be a new version soon that'll include favorites and a favorite manager
. u'll be able to send for example /xbrowser (!XFAV1), u wont have to type the URLs all the time
. it will also include (!XPRVURL)- your last-viewed URL
and there just might be some surprises
if u have any more ideas, plz post them here or contact me on msn (look at my profile for my msn email