Euu, was hopeing for some way of solving my 'auto change of display picture' wish, but also not solved in this version.
I once requested that a feature made it possible to specify a set of display pictures and that these may be automatically changed e.g. every 5 mins - that would be GREAT
With the new scheduler I thougt: wowowow, there it is, I just make an entry in the scheduler to repeat every 5 minutes and to execute the /pic command. But euuu, you can only repeat every day, week, month..., and you cannot send the /pic command from the scheduler, so there... not a solution ...
Still hopeing though - perhaps next release?
Patchou - did you notice my request the other times I made it, or perhaps this time
Is there a good reason for not making this feature?
(other than people request tons of features and of course you cannot make all of them at once