Originally posted by billywoods1
Yeah, ok, sure. I just didn't want to suggest anything that would never be added anyway.
Still, I'll explain it. 
Edit: CookieRevised's idea is good too, and a lot simpler, but it places a lot of initial strain on the elite members, and can also be subject to bias. In my way, it can all be hidden so people can't intentionally vote for their friends' ideas, and so on.
About the strain: very true... the system will only be usefull/reliable after a long period of time of modding (2-3 months?)...
Your suggestion: I thought of that also (something very similar)... The big disadvantage is you'll have to get the calculation damn right, otherwise the whole system won't work...
It's like tuning a RPG game, it takes months to create a decend RPG game character. Or you could also compare it with AI-live: 1 small error in your tuning and your slider dies.
And I can see one 1 major flow in your theory:
You can abuse it even easier then the current system

I (as user A) will evaluate every post I see on the forum. Normaly, I will evaluate a post the same as an admin (user B) (if I have some commen sense that is

)... So this will give me more then 50% chance of being right about the evaluation and automaticly being promoted. Because I evaluated every post, my reputation will increase very rapidly as the mods are trying to do their job....
Originally posted by D:Frag
My idea is to give a meaning to the post count, to rate members reputation with it, and a good reputation in this forum would mean someone that has contributed in a good way... so... to the point... disable the post counters in all General forums
If you DON'T disable the counters and just ADD the new point-system WDZ talked about, you'll have a meaning to the post-counts... It's all in my previous post
Another thing 'bout the new system:
How do you evaluate someone? I mean, if he behaves good, give good replies and all, you'll give him x points. So this goes on for let's say 3 months. The reputation system is working good. But all of a sudden the guy with the good reputation goes nuts and spams like hell. But because he has lots of good points, you actually can't do much with your -3 points for him. Sure his reputation goes down, but not like it should.....
So, in short, it needs damn good fine tuning also (how much points can one give at a certain time, do you only have eg. 10 points to give, or can you give as much points as you want, etc... etc...)
Anyways, I'm sure the admins will do their best to make it
fool/monkeyspam-proof while we are discussing something that isn't there yet