What happened to the Messenger Plus! forums on msghelp.net?
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Forum d:Fragment0r

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Disabling the counters in General Forums would prevent people posting just to get a higher post count and would reduce the hassle of regulating those forums :)

[Image: style5,d-dp-Frag.png]
Respect to the man in the ice cream van!
01-06-2004 07:15 PM
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Originally posted by billywoods1

Firstly (setting aside the fact that you ALWAYS misspell my name ), I don't see why threads need to be pruned and locked... one or the other maybe, but not both. It just makes people like me realise that a seemingly innocent thread has been locked for no reason.  Putting it into perspective, 20 spammy posts is a lot, but if that's just from one user/group then ban them and delete the posts, don't mark the thread as unkosher and immediately quarantine it by locking it, assuming that if you don't more spam will come and spread.

I never misspell ur nick cause i never write it really :P
Anyway, i pruned it twice and they keep spamming the thread, so i just locked it to stop them (note that i cant ban people (yet :wink:)), i would have ban them for sure :P
Next time, if im going to close a thread but i pruned it first, im going to leave a message about it :P

Originally posted by billywoods1
I want you to be LESS strict with spam!


Originally posted by D:Frag
Disabling the counters in General Forums would prevent people posting just to get a higher post count and would reduce the hassle of regulating those forums :)

Nah, the spam will increase in the plus related forums if u do that :undecided:

I like an idea posted before.. to keep the post counters in the secret statistics page ( i mean, to leave the top poster page there -statistics are cool :P-, and remove the post counter attached on every post

This post was edited on 01-06-2004 at 07:42 PM by Chrono.
[Image: wdz_discrate.png]
01-06-2004 07:23 PM
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Forum d:Fragment0r

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Oh, sorry about that :p yes, you're right... anyways, I liked my idea to give another meaning to the post count and it's member.

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Respect to the man in the ice cream van!
01-06-2004 07:32 PM
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Originally posted by Chrono

I like and idea posted before.. to keep the post counters in the secret statistics page ( i mean, to leave the top poster page there -statistics are cool -, and remove the post counter attached on every post

:) my idea :)

that way its still there (and can be calculated in simple SQL and php), but kinda hidden. maybe the post count should only be available in the user CP, so u can see ur own, but not anyone elses. or does that just give ppl something to compare???
01-06-2004 07:35 PM
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We really shouldn't get rid of the post counts. :P They do give a small indication as to who's been around the most. You all say yourselves that spammers get punished. Chrono, as for the 'less strict with spam' comment, I just meant don't permanently condemn a thread because of one annoying spammer.
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01-06-2004 09:19 PM
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Originally posted by billywoods1
Yeah, ok, sure. I just didn't want to suggest anything that would never be added anyway. :P Still, I'll explain it. :)
Edit: CookieRevised's idea is good too, and a lot simpler, but it places a lot of initial strain on the elite members, and can also be subject to bias. In my way, it can all be hidden so people can't intentionally vote for their friends' ideas, and so on.
About the strain: very true... the system will only be usefull/reliable after a long period of time of modding (2-3 months?)...

Your suggestion: I thought of that also (something very similar)... The big disadvantage is you'll have to get the calculation damn right, otherwise the whole system won't work...
It's like tuning a RPG game, it takes months to create a decend RPG game character. Or you could also compare it with AI-live: 1 small error in your tuning and your slider dies.

And I can see one 1 major flow in your theory:
You can abuse it even easier then the current system :D
I (as user A) will evaluate every post I see on the forum. Normaly, I will evaluate a post the same as an admin (user B) (if I have some commen sense that is :p)... So this will give me more then 50% chance of being right about the evaluation and automaticly being promoted. Because I evaluated every post, my reputation will increase very rapidly as the mods are trying to do their job....

Originally posted by D:Frag
My idea is to give a meaning to the post count, to rate members reputation with it, and a good reputation in this forum would mean someone that has contributed in a good way... so... to the point... disable the post counters in all General forums
If you DON'T disable the counters and just ADD the new point-system WDZ talked about, you'll have a meaning to the post-counts... It's all in my previous post ;)

Another thing 'bout the new system:
How do you evaluate someone? I mean, if he behaves good, give good replies and all, you'll give him x points. So this goes on for let's say 3 months. The reputation system is working good. But all of a sudden the guy with the good reputation goes nuts and spams like hell. But because he has lots of good points, you actually can't do much with your -3 points for him. Sure his reputation goes down, but not like it should.....
So, in short, it needs damn good fine tuning also (how much points can one give at a certain time, do you only have eg. 10 points to give, or can you give as much points as you want, etc... etc...)

Anyways, I'm sure the admins will do their best to make it fool/monkeyspam-proof while we are discussing something that isn't there yet ;)

This post was edited on 01-06-2004 at 09:43 PM by CookieRevised.
.-= A 'frrrrrrrituurrr' for Wacky =-.
01-06-2004 09:34 PM
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I'll take your points in order...

Originally posted by CookieRevised
The big disadvantage is you'll have to get the calculation damn right, otherwise the whole system won't work...

I could handle that. ;)

Originally posted by CookieRevised
Normaly, I will evaluate a post the same as an admin (user B)

The votes could be hidden?

Originally posted by CookieRevised
Because I evaluated every post, my reputation will increase very rapidly as the mods are trying to do their job....

Then you decrease reputation when you disagree with admins.

Originally posted by CookieRevised
But all of a sudden the guy with the good reputation goes nuts and spams like hell.

Sounds like a ban. :P

Obviously there should be limits, otherwise the fixed ranks of 100 and so on are useless. This is just a system to get helpful people to have more effect on the forums than others.
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Contact: billy@pluslite.com (thanks to DXtremz).
01-06-2004 09:58 PM
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my ideas:
-enable both post count and user ratings

-diable titles like noob-posting freak (<--i was almost there legitimatly:()

-make it so that either mods/admin/l33ts can enable / diable each users right to vote on a user rating

-i'm not sure if this is how it works but make it so that there are a possible ten stars(?) but mods get like 12 admins get like 15 and patchou gets 20 (blah make it so that mods get red stars admins get green stars l33ts get bloo stars

-make it so that mods and admins have the right to take away/add stars in one blow instead of raising an average

i'm sure i'm forgetting someting but :P

oh and i keep saying stars because i think that a green/red square would be ugly in this nice skin, maybe a box could be GFDDed
01-06-2004 10:00 PM
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Originally posted by billywoods1
The votes could be hidden?
Then you decrease reputation when you disagree with admins.
I assumed they where hidden. (heck they MUST be hidden in this case or the system wont work at all) That's why I said: "If I use common sense".... Either a post is wrong or it is good. So if I use commen sense (like the mods do) I get it right almost every time, so my reputation WILL increase....

If you say: then we change the voting of a post so that your evaluating must be exact the same as the mod-one. (So that you could evaluate a post from -10 to 10), then the chances of being exact the same as a mod-one are nihil and everybody's reputation will decrease...

This post was edited on 01-06-2004 at 10:09 PM by CookieRevised.
.-= A 'frrrrrrrituurrr' for Wacky =-.
01-06-2004 10:05 PM
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If they use common sense and they're right, they deserve a good reputation. By using common sense, I mean the people who vote down the spammers and vote up those who give good answers. Not much more to it than that. If you're right about stuff, why shouldn't you have a reputation?

The people who don't get reputations are those who think that huge memory-consuming tasks added into Plus! to annoy the shit out of their contacts would be a good idea, or that Plus! should be turned into some Messenger hack program, or that Plus! should give you block checkers and stuff. A lot of people do think all this, and quite obviously, it's wrong, and they'll get lower reputations.
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Please visit my site, Lamerde, by clicking this broken picture. :mipdodgy: It's intentional. Honestly.

Contact: billy@pluslite.com (thanks to DXtremz).
01-06-2004 10:12 PM
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