I have spent the past week (well I finished it mid-weekend...
) creating an Audiator INI Generator website.
When I first thought about creating a soundpack I realised that creating the INI file for it would be the most labourious part of the process so instead I created a website so that anyone else who decided to make a soundpack could easily input the details into this page and receive an .ini file that can be used in the soundpack.
Unfortunately, due to Optimism_'s hosting troubles (etc.) I have hosted it on my webspace so the address isn't anything Audiator-related and the pages aren't integrated into Optimism_'s themes, either.
However the rest of the code works fine. All the problems are small and aesthetical.
Not only will this page create the ini file for you but it will also check if the sound indicies you plan to use are already being uesd by another sound pack, at a press of a button!
The message field in the form can also have the Messenger Plus! format tags easily entered into it. And, if you're running IE 6, will popup a standard colour-selector dialog box to allow you to choose a colour quickly and simply.
To access the site simply
click this link [this is a brief redirect so that it points to the page, wherever it's hosted]
PS: Once you've created your soundpack be sure to send it to optimism (optimism_ [at] osnetwork.sytes.net) for use in the upcoming SoundPack Database!