if someone takes a book, photocopies all the pages, and makes loads of exact replicas, then gives them away for free, understandably the author is going to get pretty annoyed.
Put that analogy on a song, and you can see why record companies and artists are getting pissed off. The only way to stop people from doing it, is by scaring them, or making the network incredibly slow, and flooding the network with fake copies of the song, hopefuly it will make KaZaA and such like so hard to use, people will give up.
If you want to download music, then do it, but dont complain when you get a letter from the record compaines fining you.
You can leagaly download music from many companies like Apple iTunes and dotmusic.
Originally posted by kangie
well.... i never see the point in spending £15.99 on an album, when i can get the one song i actually want, for free
cos not all good songs are buyable, or releasd as singles.... mmmm.... as for the ones where you pay, you wont get the range of obsure music as ya do on something like kazaa....
£15.99? try www.cdwow.com
mod: removed double post.