the plugins i had before (and that were working fine) were:
- the HandWriting tool
- StuffPlug (1.5b) (NOT SP-NG)
- Hopper (2)
- WMPlus (2)
- Song2Nick
- Screenshot Sender (3)
but now the only plugins that show up are
handwriting enabler, SP, hopper, wmplus2..even when i try to install SS3 and s2n they still don't show up.
Oh, btw, i just relised that the s2n error messages go away after un-installing/re-installing PLUS! and msnmsgr, but come back after installing s2n and still come up after just un-installing s2n.
I don't like all these problems, and would really like it if someone could help me fix it.
EDIT(and OFFTOPIC): my 250th post