- You can't translate everything
Internal messages are stored in a resource file, so that error messages, which could appear before loading config, are in correct language (language of Windows). I've sent you the .RES file (Private Message) : you can edit the String Tables with ResHacker for example (your language is 1043)
-other *.lng files exept for french.lng and english.lng aren't loaded
Yes: every language file *must* be manually added in the code.
What is the official "code" for your language? I mean, for French it's "fr", English = "en", Dutch = ? (perhaps "nl"?) (it's for the config...)
- If you use an "\" in a nickname, it'll become "\\"
Fixed in next version
- The updater works fine exept for the wrong version of the plugin itself
I set 2.0.268 instead of 2.0.628
I'm waiting for your translation of the .RES to release the
2.0.629 version