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Is there an end to space
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RE: Is there an end to space
I have often wondered that myself. Also why is space always horizontal? What is down? or up?  Is there more planets we don't know about sitting only miles in our vertical axis? Are the UFOs really coming from a plant that sits 400,000 miles under us?
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07-07-2004 11:54 PM
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RE: Is there an end to space
One more: do UFOs actually exist? :)
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07-08-2004 06:47 PM
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RE: Is there an end to space
Originally posted by Tandy
so just think about it.............there could be another universe
exactly 100% the same as ours with the same milky way and exactly the same earth............with someone exactly like you...............doing exactly the same thing as you right now this very millisecond and thinking about exactly the same thing.

the amount of times ive used that to pull :p no seriously!

I think space is infinate, yet i cant explain it. Its too big too imagine. Almost like thinking about nothing
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07-08-2004 07:07 PM
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RE: RE: Is there an end to space
Originally posted by lopardo
One more: do UFOs actually exist? :)


They fly UFO's like this one:

[Image: S37747.jpg]

[Image: S37739.jpg]

And look like this guy:

[Image: 55b.jpg]

If you spot a UFO report it ASAP!!! PLEASE!
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07-08-2004 07:15 PM
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Wink  RE: Is there an end to space
people...i just have this to say...
We weren't made to discover certain things...like the end of space...only the word in it..who called it space?a person who that is was enourmous...we are like a water drop in an ocean or a cloud in the sky...if someone has the answer for that question,please answer me how the world was born...i'm catholic and in my case i call it faith to believe in what god tell's us in the holy bible...

07-08-2004 07:27 PM
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RE: Is there an end to space
i noticed no1 talked about the big bang theory. If you assume that the big bang theory is true, then u also assume that all matter was created during the bang and therefore there is a finite amount of matter. Space was also created during the bang and therefore, space would also be finite. However, assuming you believe in a higher being (god, allah, etc) that created the heavens and the earth, then you really wouldn't know because they are all beyond human comprehension accoring to the old testament. these are my views at least from a religious and scientific prespective
Dare to dream.
07-15-2004 08:09 AM
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RE: Is there an end to space
i think its a circle like earth with lots of clusters of planets like our galaxy and then eventually joins again and theres not just one sun but hundreds.
07-15-2004 09:38 AM
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RE: Is there an end to space
well f course there are hundreds of suns that pretty obvious but there not called suns there stars(*) lol  our "sun"is just another star and here on earth we are lucky enough to have the living conditions that we do and there is most likely other planets just like ours we will just never find them because they are out of our reach and do not have the technology.....yet.

alien,not ufo's cause UFO just means their spaceship do exist well thats just wat i think and one day we will prolly look like them too:throwup:       maybe:P
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07-15-2004 09:58 AM
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Shadow D
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RE: Is there an end to space
Well heres my opinion:

It all comes down to what you believe in; If there is a "beginning" to the universe, then I believe that you would reach a point in space where literally nothing exist, no time no space and no mass, because scientifically, the universe is contracting, so there must be an end, so, when you reach that point and (try) cross the border, you would:

a. Disintegrate at the border
b. Never make it there, and just fell a wall (:|), because humans are composed of enrgy/matter and to pass matter through nothing, is like walking into an impenetrable wall.

Now, if you dont believe in "The Big Bang", then I don't think that space will ever end, because it must be infinite if it doesn't have a beginning. And in that case...perhaps God might solve the puzzle?

If you don't understand one bit of this post, then don't worry, i'm pretty confused right now my self ;).
07-17-2004 12:48 AM
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RE: Is there an end to space
Okay heres my two cents...
Scientists currently have three main theories on the shape of the universe which will ultimately determine if there is an "end" to it.
It some wierd variable thingo (i forgot its name :p) is <1 then the universe is closed something like a sphere. In this case the universe is finite.
If the variable = 1 the universe is flat... in this case the is no end to the universe instead you loopback or something i forget.
If the variable > 1 the universe is in this wierd camel hump shape... if you can imagine multiple camel humps joined together something like that. In this case the universe also has no "end"

I am not a theoretical physicist or anything so i am probably wrong :p or said something wrong here... but that's all i could remember.

edit: just remembered another thing.... to test this theory scientists want to measure the angles of a triangle. Heres an experiment you can try yourself.
Draw a triangle on a piece of paper (flat universe) suprise suprise 180 degrees
Draw a triangle on a sphere (finite/closed universe) more than 180 degress wow...
I think in the case of the wierd one angle is less than 180 degrees but i can't remember the exact reason why...

Now for those of you who are curious it isn't easy for scientists to measure the angles of the triangle for one simple reason. Get the sphere out again and draw the smallest possible triangle you can. That triangle is probably representative of the milky way in the whole universe. Now if you measure the angle its pretty close to 180 degrees. So scientists need a really big triangle to work out which case is true.

Also another side note if the universe is spherical... parallel lines do cross!!!! Imagine a globe... and now imagine to lines of latitude. These lines are "parallel" however, they meet at the poles...

All this stuff is interesting... but it also confuses the heck out of you :S

This post was edited on 07-17-2004 at 06:20 AM by illuzn.
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07-17-2004 06:04 AM
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