Originally posted by Barisko
Could you maybe add an button to the option panel so a 'test'-popup, with for example your own name/email, shows? This way you can test the settings you just entered!
That's useless. The options affects WHEN a toast is shown. Furthermore, this wouldn't 'test' if the recieving of the events works fine...
You can very easly test it out yourself in a proper way if you use polygamy (or Windows Messenger) by opening a chatwindow in your second acount to your first account...
But first make sure you've configured openConvo to enable toast!
Originally posted by Wouter
should i make it always on top or just pop to top when you enter the options pannel ?
** Not always on top, that's only needed for critical window warnings or something.
Make it that it popups on top of all windows, and that it also shows an icon in the taskbar so you can always click it again, when another window is opened on top of that. Just like the "1st time"-msgbox.
Or, best solution if possible IMO, make it that it always popups (when it is active of course) on top of the Messenger windows so that whenever you click the main messenger window or a conversation window it will be on top again. This doesn't require an icon in the taskbar. (= same beheviour as Messenger Plus! config window)
** Then, make sure that it doesn't open a second toolwindow when you click on "configure" again in the Messenger Plus! plugin panel. (I dunno if it does now though, didn't tested this yet) -> is ok
** Also, IMHO, selecting "use default toast" should use a normal looking basic build-in toast instead of the open/closewindow.bmp's. In my eyes, those bmp's are an example of custom toasts and are only included as that, examples.
-> It was rather confusing when I edited the toasts to my likings, but selected "use default toast" nevertheless, and still my edited toast would popup. I expected that a normal looking toast would popup for both events.
** beheviour-bug: After you close the "select file"-dialog, the focus should be returned to your configuration toolwindow:
- A user clicks opens the "select-file"-dialog.
- He realises that he must do some other file-stuff first and switches to Windows Explorer. (he leaves the "select-file"-dialog open).
- After he's done, he clicks on the "select-file"-dialog icon in his taskbar and the dialog appears again.
- He selects the correct file and closes the dialog.
-> The configuration toolwindow is "lost" behind other windows....
** beheviour-bug: If you open the "select file"-dialog the current file in your settings, that you've previously selected, isn't entered/filled in in the filenamebox.
** beheviour-bug: If you open the "select file"-dialog and select a file or whatever, but press on cancel. The dialog shouldn't return a null-string; Now it clears the textbox in the configuration-panel. It should just cancel away and do nothing...
** I've also send you 2 mails (1 with some other small gui-thingies, and 1 with toast examples that you can use if you like them)