Fields in the config window:
* A field to enter the countdown date and time (can be set in the past aswell as in the futur)
* A field to enter the interval for changing the nick (minimum 10 minutes or so!!)
* A field where you make up your nick when the countdown is active. In this field you can use 2 placeholders:
%nick and
%countdown (see below).
* A field where you make up the countdown placeholder. In this field you can use the other placeholders (see below).
* Fields where you enter the words used for "day", "days", "year", "years", "month", "months", "hour", "hours", "minute", "minutes", "second", "seconds". (see below)
The placeholders used in the nick-field:
%nick = returns your current stored nick; The nick before the countdown started.
%countdown = special placeholder, returns what you have typed in the countdown placeholder field.
The placeholders used in the countdown placeholder-field:
Current date/time placeholders:
%cyy = year (99)
%cyyyy = year (1999)
%cm = month (1)
%cmm = month (01)
%cmmm = month (Jan => like defined in local Windows settings)
%cmmmm = month (January => like defined in local Windows settings)
%cd = day (1)
%cdd = day (01)
%cddd = day (Mon => like defined in local Windows settings)
%cdddd = day (Monday => like defined in local Windows settings)
%ch = hour (5 => 12h system)
%chh = hour (05 => 12h system)
%cH = hour (5 => 24h system)
%cHH = hour (05 => 24h system)
%cn = minutes (1)
%cnn = minutes (01)
%cs = seconds (1)
%css = seconds (01)
%ct = AM/PM (a/p)
%ctt = AM/PM (am/pm)
%cT = AM/PM (A/P)
%cTT = AM/PM (AM/PM)
%coo = Ordinal (st, nd, rd, th)
Countdown date/time placeholders:
%iyy = year (99)
%iyyyy = year (1999)
%im = month (1)
%imm = month (01)
%immm = month (Jan => like defined in local Windows settings)
%immmm = month (January => like defined in local Windows settings)
%id = day (1)
%idd = day (01)
%iddd = day (Mon => like defined in local Windows settings)
%idddd = day (Monday => like defined in local Windows settings)
%ih = hour (5 => 12h system)
%ihh = hour (05 => 12h system)
%iH = hour (5 => 24h system)
%iHH = hour (05 => 24h system)
%in = minutes (1)
%inn = minutes (01)
%is = seconds (1)
%iss = seconds (01)
%it = AM/PM (a/p)
%itt = AM/PM (am/pm)
%iT = AM/PM (A/P)
%iTT = AM/PM (AM/PM)
%ioo = Ordinal (st, nd, rd, th)
Note that all abrivations are the standard Windows abrivations used in many programming languages. In other words, it is best to used them like this, and not to invent your own as this is confusing otherwise.
Leftover/passed number placeholders:
%lnd = leftover/passed number of days
%lny = leftover/passed number of years
%lnm = leftover/passed number of months
%lnh = leftover/passed number of hours
%lnn = leftover/passed number of minutes
%lns = leftover/passed number of seconds
%lwd = the word used for "day"/"days"
%lwy = the word used for "year"/"years"
%lwm = the word used for "month/months"
%lwh = the word used for "hour"/"hours"
%lwn = the word used for "minute"/"minutes"
%lws = the word used for "second"/"seconds"
Depending on which "leftover/passed" placeholders you use, the placeholders should return the exact amount. eg:
current date/time field: "
20 juli 2004, 05:10:00"
countdown date/time field: "
30 juli 2004 07:20:00"
countdown nick field: "
%nick - %countdown"
countdown placeholder field: "
%lnh %lwh to go"
=> %countdown returns: "
242 hours to go"
(your countdown nick will be: "
<current stored nick> - 242 hours to go")
countdown placeholder field: "
%lnd %lwd %lnh %lwh left"
=> %countdown returns: "
10 days 2 hours left"
(your countdown nick will be: "
<current stored nick> - 10 days 2 hours left")
^^ both used
%lnh, but both will return a different value depending on what other Leftover/passed placeholders are used...
The commands:
/xcountdownconfig => brings you to the config panel
/xcountdownon => starts the countdown; the current nick is stored so it can be restored later.
/xcountdownoff => stops the countdown; the previously stored nick is restored
(!xcountdown) => returns the interpreted %countdown placeholder. This is where the split in
%nick and
%countdown comes in handy. With this tag you can use the countdown function in your typed text also...
Voila, with this I think everybody will be happy as it allows you to do everything... Did I forget something?