RE: camp
I haven't been camping for years and years, i went with my brother dad and uncle when i was about 6, and since then I haven't really camped properly as we no longer have a tent. I know what you mean about the bad food and drink, when I went too the South of France with my school, we staying in the worst hotel, it looked good from the outside, but in the rooms, it was horrible, the food wasn't right and it tasted gone off, and at times when we ate, we had too drink water, and this was served in dirty jugs.
I hope you had a nice time, I've always wanted too go to a science museum, apparently there is a nice one here in britain, but i've never had the chance too go.
I hate war memorials, and when they sometimes redesign the blitz, and its a walkthrough, the sirens scare me a lot.