Originally posted by Tochjo
I strongly disagree.
The sponsor program has been put in the program to help Patchou make some money. Many people now don't complain and install it anyway - really, not even one complain a day is very good for hundreds of thousands of installs a month. Making the default option not installing would be like saying "Well, this is here to help Patchou, but why would you do that? Just click Next without reading it at all" - and that is not what we want at all.
Traxor, your idea will scare users off, and that's not what should happen. Besides, we should not be encouraging them not reading agreements. If you need to sign a contract, you read it first. If you install a computer program, you should also read it first. Otherwise, you are the one who has to accept the consequences.
I disagree with anything selected by default too. But I think that window should be more clear. It should be divided in two screens to avoid confusion: one would ask "Would you like to install the sponsor program?" and explain that it's for helping Patchou, then, if you select "Yes" and click "Next", it would display the agreement.
And it's not encouraging people not reading agreements, many people don't read a message box at all, so that won't teach them...
* lopardo tries to remember where is that article about people not reading messages...