Originally posted by michael_m91
I don't understand how to name what contact I wan't to block.
Even without understanding the exact meaning of things you can easly figure that out:
MsgBox("Contact: " & CStr(MsgrContact.SigninName) & " is now unblocked")
this shows something like: "Contact:
contacts name is now unblocked"... this means that Contacts name = MsgrContact.SigninName
Now step back in the source. Where is
MsgrContact.SigninName defined? here:
Set MsgrContact = MsgrUIA.GetContact(strSigninName, strServiceID)
So what is
strSigninName? Just simple step back:
strSigninName = ListContact.SelectedItem.SubItems(2)
There you have it:
ListContact.SelectedItem., a listcontrol and together with
btnBlocked_Click() I see that this code is a sub for when you click on a button on a form with a listcontrol which contains the contactnames/mails.
All in all, this is basic programming stuff and actually very easy to understand if you can program a very small bit. If you can't (and you can't reconize what a variable, object and/or property is), then I suggest you to first learn easier and basic programming stuff, before attempting doing stuff with API's, objects, protocol-handling, etc...