I do get spam, +- 15 mails a day, but I know that that is normal when you have a public mail on some public board, so I don't fuzz about it, or make a big deal out of it
Also, they are automaticly filtered/moved. Not with some spamkiller or anything, just the normal filters in my mailclient (Netscape). And if a spam gets past the filter (very very rarely these days) then it's only 1 click of the button to teach the filter that it is also spam. And for each spam I recieve my filter gets more and more intelligenter....
In short, I don't need a special serverside filter. In fact I like to know what is send to my inbox, even if it is spam. A serverside filter would be handy in general. But for me, personally, it isn't needed. And that's also why I previously said that using your local mailclient's filters will work perfectly, etc...
oh, and one MAJOR tip: don't click on things like "click here to unsubscribe" or "go here to remove you from the mailinglist"....
By clicking on those things, you will only confirm that your email is a valid email!! So, maybe they will stop mailing you, but they also sell your email to other companies who again sell your mail to others, etc... etc... So, just ignore those spam mails and those "click here to remove" and only, (repeat: only!) when you notice that a spammail keeps coming from the same sender then you can click on those links, as in 99% of the cases, you WILL be removed then, but all others: just ignore....