riley, was said in another thread. Patchou decided not to, because the drag and drop feature is already used for moving people to groups. However, he did say that he liked and would add the feature to drag and drop files onto an online contact to send it to him/her. Personally, I would much enjoy this feature
shrbr, this
could (not will) be tricky, take up more resources and slow your computer quite a bit as it would have to check every contact, see if he or she was on, then display him or her in the desktop. Then it also has to check wether someone on your desktop has gone ofline. See what I mean??
tomfletcherman, I see no use for this feature, except for taking up space
But then it is up to Patchou.
CookieRevised, no one is going to read this whole thread
I got another idea, (providing you have mod power??)
1) Start a new thread
2) Write up all current suggestions
3) Close it so no-one can reply
4) Stick it
5) Then link to it here
If you dont have mod power:
1) Maybe someone who does can do steps 1-5
2) If not, just do steps 1-2
Just ideas.
adityavm, this feature sounds cool. I hope this is added. With my desktop background, the red man sometime looks green
saralk, well put
I would like this feature. Although, it might be the same as shrbr idea, not sure.
Sean and Scone, chris is taking about moving them around the desktop in a group, not onto it. chris, I like this idea although, I think it had already been said somewhere else.
Chestah007, the first idea, I think may not be needed. However the second one is quite good. How about the little MSN man only?? And use the same notification that the msn man in the system tray does.
FrozernFire, chris just said that (same basic idea) one post above you :/